Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sweet Krieger's
  I have been trying to pin point a specific memory of Deanne but have had a hard time choosing just one, it seems like a good portion of my childhood and tween years is wrapped up in her beautiful memory. For the past week as I have been thinking it seems like anything I am doing I can picture deanne doing, I was shoveling the drive, and I thought about how she taught me to be a strong active healthy woman. Bentley was asking how to get rid or the water in his ear and I was taken back to the first time I put hydrogen proxide in my  ears and how I was so afraid, but Deanne assured us that it was fine. I think about her as I leave my children to be watched by someone else how often we were watched over by Deanne, with my mom knowing she would take care of us as her own.  So as I try to think of one thing, I have come  to the conclusion that I always felt "full" around Deanne. In different ways, first the obvious, Food, there was always good food at the Krieger home. And it's not like there was a lot of junk food, it was just good family healthy food. Of course there was the famous cookies with the kiss in the middle,  and that yummy fudge that always found there way to our house at Christmas, but on the other end I often lay out carrot sticks for my own kids to munch on before dinner just like Deanne would.  I know I was given many meals, (and garlic pills too) at 27 Payday Drive.
  Deanne filled her home with Love, and all who entered could feel that love. I know and I am sure a lot of the kids who were there felt like Deanne like them the most. It didn't matter who we were she made us feel special. She would sit and talk with me and I knew she cared about what I was saying. It became my second home many nights, and I loved being surround by that feeling of comfort.
   Deanne also filled my life with the Spirit of Christ. I don't think a Wednesday night passed when the big red surburban wouldn't be in my driveway waiting to take me to the young woman's activity. I listened to many lessons given on Sunday's and although I don't really remember what was taught I know I felt the spirit and my testimony was strengthen by her efforts.  At her funeral the spirit was so strong. Her life resembled that, she made you want to be a better person in all aspects of life. I came home and hugged my kids and promised to be a better mom. She taught me so many things through her loving example and positive spirit, and that has shaped the woman I am today. I love you Krieger Family!

Love Jenni
When I think of Deanne and the experience of knowing her as a Young Women leader, I remember most how "easy to entreat" she was.  She reminds me of this scripture from the Book of Mormon:

Alma 7: 23 
And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times. . .

She will be remembered by me as a very cool mom--genuine, caring, effervescent, and fun. 

Surely, she has shared her love with many others in a similar way and will be greatly missed in this world.

Lots of love to the Kriegers,

Loved ones of Deanne,

I am Bonnie Smith, my husband is Leo and he served as Bishop in Park City
at one time.  When I met Deanne the first time I was so very impressed
with her and liked her right from the start.  It was not too long after
that when she asked for me to be her counselor in YW's.  I loved working
with her and everything you have said about her in her obituary is so
true.  I have always felt sorry that I lost contact with her because I
really did love her and wanted to stay in touch.  I remember Jana and
Jordan well and taught them in YW's.  They were both outstanding girls
just like their mother.  I'm sorry that Deanne is gone and at such a
young age, but I have to feel that Heavenly Father wanted her home to
Him.  I'm in deed sorry for all of you, Kurt, all of her daughters and
sons and grand children.  I know you will remember her for ever as I will
and hopefully some day I can meet her again.  Deanne was the age of my
oldest daughter and still we were good friends and enjoyed each other and
loved working together.  We tied quilts in my basement and loved the
girls and I always knew that they would be much like their mother.  I
send my love and heart felt sympathy to you all.  Bonnie
Deanne was a doer…if she decided something needed to be done, in all
of my experience with her, it was.  I (Meghan) am very grateful she
decided that Jackie and I needed to be friends.  Jackie and I weren’t
thrilled about it at first, but Deanne enlisted the help of my mom,
they practically forced us to hang out, and Jackie turned into my best
friend – I honestly don’t know how I would have survived high school
without her!  Jackie and I were close, so close that our senior year
of high school I think I spent almost as many nights at her house as I
did my own.  I have always been thankful for my friendship with
Jackie, but I am also very thankful for the time I got to spend with
Deanne because of it, especially during such an impressionable time of
my life.  It is clear to me that Deanne, along with her many other
talents, truly had a talent for dealing with teenagers; my mom tells
me that she would often ask Deanne for advice when I was in my
“challenging” phase and Deanne would tell her not to worry and offer
helpful words of wisdom.

As I’ve thought about it, here are a few stories about Deanne that
make me smile…

-I remember hiking with her at girl’s camp when a few of the girls
started complaining.  I remember thinking she was so cool when, along
with her encouraging (though I wouldn’t call it sympathetic) comments,
I also heard her say “no whining,” “you’re fine,” and “come on, just
do it.”  And they all did.

-She had a way of helping you see what’s actually important versus
some of the ridiculous things you think are important as a teenager,
while never invalidating your feelings.  (People go to school for
years to learn this skill and still aren’t great at it, but Deanne
was, maybe that’s why she worked so much with the young women.)  I
didn’t realize it at the time, but she really helped me feel
comfortable and confident with myself.  She actually encouraged John
(who was way young at the time) to tease me about being flat-chested!
I don’t know how many times I came over to the Krieger house and John
would run to a wall and announce that “Meghan’s here” and Deanne would
laugh with me.  Something I could have been self-conscious about, but
she showed me it was way more fun to laugh.

-On the way to girls camp one year Jackie and I got a hold of some
radios.  Deanne just drove and smiled while we quoted the movie Billy
Madison and repeated things like “10-4 good buddy,” “that’s a negative
ghost rider,” “over and out” the entire way.  She never made us feel
silly or dumb, even when I know we were obnoxious at times.

-She was extremely genuine and took an interest in me, like I know she
did with probably everyone she knew.  She knew of things that were
going on in my life and would ask how skiing/running/school was going
and she never failed to get out the dark-chocolate chocolate chips
when I came over because she knew I loved them.  And she would tell me
not to worry when Kurt made fun of things like my flower flip flops
and explained that she liked them and that’s what mattered:)

-Whenever Jackie and I were getting ready to head out for a night she
would cheerfully remind us, “no sex, drugs or alcohol!”  She never
lectured, never gave us any reason to get defensive, kept it light;
but we knew she meant it, we were well aware of her expectations, and
we knew she loved us - very effective!

Thank you Deanne!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pictures of my mom with my kids

JJ, Lewis, and family,

I was so sorry to hear about your mom.  She has been so courageous over these past few years and has been a great inspiration.  I have very fond memories of spending time with your parents and feel fortunate to have been able to know your mom even as briefly as I did.  In reading Lewis' talk, and especially his description of the time that Fikre spent the weekend with your family, I couldn't help but think how this encapsulates your parents so perfectly for me.  Your mom was always so friendly and kind to everyone she met.  She was truly an example of a Christ-like individual who lifted others throughout her life.

It may not mean much, but when my dad died, the best advice that anyone gave me was that these things have a way of working themselves out.  It will take time, and you will always miss your mom, but things will work out.  You can always be comforted by the knowledge that you will be together again. 

Know that our prayers are with you and your family during this time.  May Heavenly Father bless you all.

All our love,
Scott and Angela
I wanted to pass along this photo of Deanne and two of her girls. What a beauty she was and look how much they loved their mom! 
I took this when I was visiting some time in the mid 80's I believe, when they were living in Washington DC.  I had such a great time.  Deanne and the girls took me sightseeing during the day all around DC and then Kurt and Deanne took me into Georgetown for dinner at an Indian resturaunt. It was the first and last time I had curry!  YUCK
I so enjoyed Deanne and was honored to call her my friend. 
I will always remember Deanne fondly.
Darrick Olsen and I were talking on Sunday about how much fun we had working with her on Pioneer Trek, Youth conferences, News Years Eve Dances, firesides and other youth activities.  We both agreed we had way to much fun.
Pres Evans walked up at that time and agreed with us that she was a great lady.
Darrick pointed out that if we went along with her ideas the activities were always successful.
I remember how hard she worked to make sure the Pioneer Trek of  1999 was a good experience for everyone.  She had had a really bad experience on the previous pioneer trek.  We sat in Pres. Romney's office for four hours assigning kids to Ma's and Pa's, and she would not let us move forward until every kid was assigned to the correct family.
We laughed every time we talked about the indian raid that we scheduled for the middle of the first night on that trek.  (Ask Kurt about this)
I helped here with 4 or 5 girls camps and she was quick to laugh at a joke and made everyone feel comfortable.
Working with her never felt like work it was always fun.  Thinking about her makes me smile because she was such a joy to be around.
I will always cherish the memories I have of her.
John E. B
I want Deanne's children and grand-children to know how important it was to her to teach her family the Gospel. When the kids were little Deanne and I became members of an FHE group.  Each month we designed a family home evening lesson and made one for every member of the group. At the end of the month we would receive a lesson made from all the other members on various subjects.  I remember one month in particular when Deanne and I decided to do a rather large laminated booklet on Easter.  We included copies of the Biblical events leading up to and following the Resurrection and bound them together with Rings.  We bit off a little more than we realized.  We were at Bi World (Woodland) for many hours laminating and colating our project. We still have ours today.

I also remember fondly when Adam and Jenna and J.J and Jordan were little and Deanne was always up for doing something fun and challenging.  She invited me to go with her and Jenny Slater to attend an aerobics class.  At the time the only transportation we had was an old gold cadillac (yes we had a gold cadillac boat) that kept leaking power-steering fluid.  Often the car would become so hard for me to steer that Deanne had to help me.  But we were unstoppable.  We continued to herd all the kids into the car to attend our class.  Without Deanne, I know I would have given up. She was a force of nature!



Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dear Deanne,
I feel the need to share with you the part you've played in my life, up until now.
I remember when I first met you and we were supporting our boys in their soccer adventure, with the Park City Extreme Team.
We would sit on the hill and watch our boys, while sharing lots of stories with one another, and others who would join us!
I remember all the comfort you gave me in listening as I went through my divorce,
and you shared words of wisdom and comfort, always with your beautiful smile!
But, most of all, I remember the feeling I felt when I was in your presence.
Remember, when I ran into you at Walmart?  I don't remember what was said, I just remember I felt I had been embraced by
an Angel of a friend!!  I've kept track of you through stories about your journey in Africa!
I have pictures on my fridge of you and your family!  I've enjoyed emails that have been shared openly, with permission, regarding
your experiences in far off places (smile) and your health.
I want you to know I LOVE YOU!  You have impacted so many lives, mine being one of them!
Deanne, You will always be apart of who I am today, by your tender expression of love!!
Sealed with a HUG!
Sheila P-A

December 1, 2010
The day of Deanne's service it was quite stormy, so my friend Mona, through much of a process, chose not to journey to Draper, but to find our place of closeness with Deanne on PC Mountain, where we had spent many of times watching Corey & Kip and Robby & Kip play soccer together.  So at 10 a.m. we put on our warmest coats, mittens, snowshoes, and more, taking the dogs, Betsy and Rosie with us, and headed out to hike
up PC Mountain, sharing our personal memories and love for Deanne!!  When we arrived to a certain point, we looked out over the mountain
and yelled at the top of our lungs to the heavens "WE LOVE YOU DEANNE!"  With freezing conditions, we were warmed by the love we feel for her and
felt in return!!
Thanks for sharing Deanne with US!
Sincerely, with love,
Sheila P-A and Robby

My heart goes out to all of her dear family and friends, especially her children and sweet husband!!  We send our love to you all and
will continue to hold Deanne and you all in our thoughts and prayers!!
We the entire Konduah family of Ghana send our condolence.  Deanne was a great mother and grandma.  She was an always-smiling friend.  We wandered if she could ever be upset.  With a broad smile on her face she approved of naming our son with her husband’s name, KURT KRIEGER OWUREKU KONDUAH. 

Owureku has now grown to resemble the GrandPa Krieger.  See Kurt standing by the left side of the table.  Compare his facial with GrandPa Kurt in the second photo.  The 3rd photo, is the Konduah family and the baby Kurt Krieger to the joy of Deanne, the grandson the Lord gave her in Accra, Ghana and Africa.  Kurt with Mum.  Kurt with Mum and Dad.

In our Family Home Evening on Monday, the Konduah seized the opportunity to mourn Deanne Michelle Lisonbee Krieger.  Owureku says, GrandMa, Da Yie, Da Yie, Da Yie.  Deanne, you still mean a lot to us.  May the Good Lord grant you a comfortable place in his bosom. Oh GrandMa, Oh GrandMa, Oh GrandMa, we miss you.  Da Yie, Da Yie, Da Yie.

Nicholas for the Konduah Family
The first time I met Deanne was when I was invited to go to her home in Ghana and check out a mini “bazaar” where Bernice was selling her bags and other products. I was so impressed –with the beautiful handiwork, but also with the fact that Deanne would just open up her home for this.  Then Bernice (a lovely lady herself) came out and I learned Deanne let her work there in the Krieger’s home to do all her sewing.  I knew right then Deanne was just an awesome human being.  I hoped I’d get to know her better, and, to my great blessing, I did.

One vivid memory is of her birthday party.  Some of the women had ordered a very large cake from the bakery for the occasion.  I forget now what the message was they had asked to be put onto the cake.  I just remember that they wanted something special for her birthday, and had explained how blessed she had been to still be there to celebrate that birthday.  When they opened the box, the cake proudly proclaimed “Thank God You’re Alive!”  Everyone got a good laugh, and Deanne laughed the loudest, that wonderful laugh that I will always remember.

In trips for beads, fabrics, and to see some fascinating places, I always loved to be where Deanne was. She had the most remarkable eyes, which always radiated a joy in life and a love for those around her.  I don’t believe I’ve ever seen eyes more beautiful than Deanne’s.  She was unfailingly kind, uncritical, concerned about others, and radiated a warmth in which one wanted to bask. 

When we returned to Utah, we moved from Salt Lake to Draper and I was delighted to find she lived just a short distance away.  Each Monday morning a group of sisters who had served in Ghana together continued the practice of meeting to study the Book of Mormon together.  When her health made this more difficult for her, we met in my home, and now are meeting in the home of another dear sister who is battling a disease which has left her wheel-chair bound, and unable to  get up my stairs.  Deanne has attended faithfully until just the past weeks when she was too ill.  I loved to hear her observations, as she never said anything unless she thought about it and knew it had real application.  When Deanne spoke, you knew it was important to listen.

I will miss her greatly.  My love for her grew constantly.  I am so grateful for my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the knowledge that she still lives, and loves, and cares for her family.  I am grateful she no longer has to suffer the terrible pain she has endured.  I am grateful to know that we, because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, will live again in the flesh, and be able to continue our friendship eternally.  As I think of the message of the birthday cake, I feel to exclaim “Thank God She is Alive.” 

Leslie R.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dear Krieger Family –

We were saddened to hear that Deanne had to say her goodbyes.  Somehow it had seemed to us that Deanne had grown impervious to the missiles of destruction.  But, of course, we are all mortal. 

We regret that we were not able to come up from Saint George in time for the funeral because of the bad weather near Cedar City and Beaver. 

As you say, you have great hope for the future for each of us if we will stay faithful to what we know is right. 

We enjoyed the brief time that we knew Deanne.  She always had a quiet, relaxed smile, no matter the pressures.  We remember the time in early 2007 when you hosted us at your home in Accra.  Deanne was so helpful, especially showing Kathy some of the fun and interesting places in Accra, like the fabric dying shop.  And the journey to the Market opened our eyes to rural Ghana.  The boat trip along the Volta was relaxing and scenic. 

We wish you the very best as you learn to adjust for a season with a big hole in your hearts.  We’re sure that Deanne would want you to continue finding joy in your lives. 

All the best. 
 Dave and Kathy W.

Dear Krieger Famiy,
I haven't been able to stop thinking about Deanne.  I had to write and
let you know how much she meant to me and how much I already miss her.
 I was so sad to miss her funeral (both Jon and Leo were sick) I was
so looking forward to hearing all of the memories and stories of
Deanne.  But really, for me, I knew all that I needed to know about
her.  I knew she loved me. She rejoiced like she was my own mother
when I told her I was pregnant with Leo.   I knew she was always
hopeful even in her times of greatest trial. I knew how much she loved
her children and grandchildren.  She would light up with her amazing
smile every time she spoke of one of you or one of your kids. I knew
that she was one of the most selfless, giving people I've ever known.
I would watch her expression on a Sunday night when we were sitting
around her table making African beaded necklaces and she looked like
she was experiencing true joy and contentment at that moment.
 I believe with all my heart my mom was one of the first to welcome
Deanne and rejoice with her. They both endured similar circumstances
and I'm sure have so much to share with each other. They where there
for each other here on earth and will now continue to be there for
each other. When my Mom passed away I was pregnant with my first
child.  I didn't think I could go a day without her. I didn't want to
be a mom without my mom.  I didn't want my children to grow up without
her influence in their lives.  And as hard as it still is, I can say
that most of the days I still feel like she never left.  I feel her so
close to me, so close to my children it's almost as if I looked out my
window I would see her standing across the street smiling and waving
at me, not missing a moment.
Deanne is part of all of us.  She is a part of me, of who I am.
Knowing her was a gift.  So many things remind me of her.  I put on my
African apron to cook and I smile and think of her. I pull my
scriptures out on Sunday from the African case and smile and think of
her.  I think about how many people she has helped both here and in
Africa. She has influenced so many lives.  I am one of those lives.
Thank you for sharing her with us.  Thank you for letting us always
crash the Lisonbee family parties and for loving us anyway.
I know the next step is so hard.  Moving forward without her. But her
love and strength never leaves.  It will be what helps you put one
foot in front of the other.  You will feel her strength driving you
forward.  You will know she is there.
I love you all so much.  I love Deanne so much.   Tanya
Dear Kurt
I am on the phone with Lynette right now—we are so sorry---this morning
in my prayers I pleaded that the Lord’s spirit would comfort your family
at this time---I know that will be the case. My favorite scripture in the Bible
are the words the resurrected Savior spoke to Mary at the garden
tomb—”Why weepest thou?” There was no need for tears for he
had conquered death. Even though it is hard to fathom I know, you know, that
Deanne is in a good and even better place now,--totally free from the pain she
has so long endured—and that with the resurrection all tears shall be
turned to smiles. I think the most profound thing Joseph Smith ever said was at
the passing of a friend. He spoke:  “All your losses shall be made
up in the the vision of the Almighty I have seen it.”
Thanks to our savior there is nothing that shall not be made whole. Please let
you family know that your loss of such an incredible wife and loving mother and
friend will be healed in time. Just know we sorrow with you and your family for
Deanne’s passing today—Lynette and I are and will be forever
grateful to have had such a beautiful and caring friend like Deanne in our
life. We have been lifted and made better by her. We will truly miss
her—she will always remain close to our hearts. I pray all of God’s
blessings be with you, each of your children and grandchildren at this time---
and know that in the fiery furnace of the moment, the veil is thin, Deanne is
still close by and the angels of heaven surround you and will never forsake you
but bear you up and through the days ahead. God bless you, Bob and Lynette

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One week when I was visiting the Park City ward I witnesses one of the sweetest acts of charity that I have ever seen. Kent was a handicapped fellow who would come to Church every week and sit on the front row, right square in the middle of the row. Every week he would walk to the front of the chapel and sit in the same place. One week when there were more visitors than members the entire front row was filled by visitors who had no idea of Kent's routine well before the meeting started. Kent showed up as usual, walked to the front  as usual and saw that his "spot" was taken and worse there were no other seats on the front row. kent did not know what to do.  He began to pace, back and forth right in front of the stand. Everyone in the congregation saw him. The brother who was trying to conduct saw him. Everyone was uncomfortable and no one seemed to know what to do.  He just paced back and forth, back and forth and kind of groaned as he did it. Deanne stood up from somewhere in the back, walked to the front of the chapel, put an arm around Kent (who, by he way was probably about 50 years old) and quietly asked someone on the front row to go to another seat and then sat Kent reverently in his spot. What had been anxiety and concern was immediately replaced with warmth and calm  I will never forget it. It was one of the kindest, sweetest most tender acts of Christianity I have ever witnessed. She was a wonderful woman of enormous character and with enormous compassion.

Paul H.
Deanne served as the stake young women president in Park City immediately before I did. I will never forget how encouraging she was as I took over those responsibilities. I remember sitting in the high council room feeling very overwhelmed while she went through the handbook with me.  With her wide, warm smile she repeatedly assured me I would be "great." I knew that she was sincerely hoping for my success.  Eight months and one girls camp later, I saw her again.  She hurried over to me and in her happy and enthusiastic way said, "Congratulations! I heard camp was great!"  I was impressed that she was so quick to compliment and so generous with her praise.  I will always be grateful for her example of loving and cheering for each other.
Amy W
I had the good fortune to meet Deanne almost six years ago in Ghana.  My husband was there to help set up a Hearing Center at Korle Bu Hospital.  I came along without knowing what I would be doing and Deanne was one of those that helped me to find things to do.  She took me to bead markets, the batik fabric place, just to name a few.  I was also very impressed with what she did for others while I was there.  Watching her open up her home to ladies to sew bags, aprons, skirts, etc. was very impressive.  As we met for scripture study once a week, she had an insight and understanding of the scriptures that was also very impressive.   Yet, in all that she was willing to do for others, I still knew of her love for her family.  I have thought of her often and how much she did for others while in Ghana and wish that I could have done something for her. 
We send our sympathy to your family and treasure our memories of her.
Kim and Margene L

A woman of pure substance is what comes to mind when we think of you Deanne. You were a
good wife to Kurt and a friend to many. Though we observed you from far most of the time, your
vibrant nature and love for life made your name a household one in the Africa West Area Office.

Your affable and good nature were only few of your enviable traits. Not too many of us knew of
your illness but one could never tell you had such a condition by just looking at you. You were
too happy being of service to others to earn any sympathy. Deanne, you were one strong woman
and we dare say, more popular than your dear husband whom we worked with.

Your Lifestyle depicted a woman of virtue who dwelt on the positive side of life. This made us
believe death was not meant for you anytime now or in the near future. How wrong we were
because you were only preparing yourself to meet our Father in Heaven to be restored your
strength and take up a higher responsibility in His Presence!!

It’s sad to know you will not enjoy the sun that shines on us each day and be amongst your
family and friends who mean so much to you. We are however comforted by the knowledge of
the plan of Happiness which gives us hope and renewed strength to overcome our grief and pain
at this time and strive to be a better people so we can see you and enjoy your beautiful smiles and
warm embrace again. You gave us enough smiles and happiness to last the wait.

We thank our Father in Heaven for the opportunity to have had you amongst us as a teacher
and example for us to emulate. You touched many hearts by your acts of kindness and we are

Rest in Perfect Peace!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I am quite sure Deanne wouldn’t remember me, but I remember her. When I first had the pleasure of meeting Deanne I had been a missionary in Ghana for about a year. I was 30 pounds lighter than when I had come to Ghana a year earlier, my white shirts were now a not so pleasant grey, my face was most likely dripping with sweat and I was sporting the Obrunni buzz cut that most white missionaries ended up embracing after their first or second experience with a local barber or a companion cut. To put it frankly, I looked like a twenty year old boy that only a mother could love! Luckily for me and all who had the pleasure of ever meeting Deanne, she was a mother in every sense of the word and she constantly radiated love in her actions. It is hard to describe the feelings I felt when she shook my hand and introduced herself. For over a year I had been missing the eyes of my mother that poured out love unconditionally on you when you looked at them. In that moment, without knowing it, Deanne took the place of my mother and poured out her love on me through her eyes just as my mother would have it she were there. There are few things that comfort more than feeling that kind of love and I still remember it to this day. I am sure that during her time in Ghana, Mexico and everywhere else she ran into missionaries they felt a similar feeling. What a wonderful service! What a wonderful woman! Thank you for the help when I needed it most, Deanne. The world is a better place because of her.

Stephen Y
Deanne Krieger
Friendships are true where neither distance nor time erases the love and memories and they maintain an immediate ability to reconnect wherever and whenever we meet.  I have known Deanne and Kurt since 1979, when Kurt and I started our first year of law school.  It was then that a small nucleus of friends began a true friendship that continues to this day. 
Since those first days in law school there have been many times when we have joined together as a group or individually to share experiences, to reminisce and to support and sustain one another.  It is a friendship that has endured time, tragedy, pain and challenges.  It has also been a friendship that has given comfort, laughter, shelter from the press of the world and companionship.
Groups like this endure because of a unique combination of personalities that blend in ways that create an environment that is sustaining.  Deanne brought so many wonderful qualities and experiences to our group.  Deanne was genuinely interested in everybody and when we all were together she brought out the best in each of us.  When a tragedy in my life left me alone, Deanne and Kurt both reached out and strengthened me and other family members through a very rough time. 
Deanne knew how to make the best of every circumstance.  When we were in Jamaica and John became the youngest member of the group, she made sure we all had fun at the house we rented setting up massages and a sing along that was truly “Jamaican Style.”  Through a mutual friend, L learned how much Deanne did to strengthen and help others when she was in Africa.  She had a great capacity to look beyond her own pain, sorrow and struggles and make all around her feel better.
Deanne also had a real sense of adventure.  When all of the guys, except me (I put a major drag on the game) needed their golf fix – I became the designated driver and watched how the women of the group made the best use of their free time.  Deanne was always ready to do anything: go deep sea fishing, snorkeling, horseback riding, cave exploring, waterfall climbing, baby turtle saving, rafting and even being an amazing player of charades.
Deanne had the art of giving perfected as much as anyone I know.  She loved to give to others.   When Julie entered my life, Deanne immediately connected with her and made sure she felt comfortable as a part of the group.  Whenever we were in Salt Lake, Deanne made time for us and even made a bracelet with her from beads she collected in Africa which will always be a treasure for Julie and a reminder of Deanne’s love and friendship.
While a distance has been forced upon me through the necessary transitions mortality placed on Deanne far too early; neither time nor distance will diminish the friend that she is to me and the wonderful lessons that she has taught me.  In my memories of her will be so many things for me to consider that will lift me closer to my Father in Heaven and will make me a better friend.  Deanne, you will be missed, but ever a friend – until we meet again.       

Having grown up in Park City, I developed a great love for soccer!  Deanne and her family were an important part in my life in that respect.  I remember how happy she always was at that time and I know ( although she is away from her family) she is still smiling.  I know that you will all see her again one day and that day will be marvelous!

Deanne Krieger is a wonderful lady.  I say that in the present tense because I know that her Spirit lives on and will continue to comfort and bless you throughout your lives.  

Deanne had a way of making everyone around her feel special.  She took a genuine interest in other people and was always focused on whoever she was talking to, like he or she was the only person in the room.  Deanne had such a sweet and calming way about her.  I always admired how calm she seemed under any circumstance.  She was always happy, in spite of how ill she may have been feeling.  During one of the last conversations I had with Deanne, she was telling me that she talks to her grandkids every day, and her whole face lit up as she was describing some of the conversations she has had with various grandkids.  She was so proud of her children and grandchildren. 

I was lucky enough to know Deanne in the limited time that I was able to spend with her.  I regret that we never got to explore Florida together like we talked about doing.  I know how much she loved being near the water.  I am so happy for Deanne that she is no longer suffering in her earthly body.  I hope that one day a cure for cancer is found so that others will not have to endure what your family has been through.  Undoubtedly, it has made you all stronger and brought you even closer together.  May the tender mercies of our Heavenly Father bless your lives, and may you take comfort in knowing that you will be reunited again with each other in a place that knows no suffering or sadness.  I love you, Deanne.  Thank you for being you!

Sheralyn B.