Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sweet Krieger's
  I have been trying to pin point a specific memory of Deanne but have had a hard time choosing just one, it seems like a good portion of my childhood and tween years is wrapped up in her beautiful memory. For the past week as I have been thinking it seems like anything I am doing I can picture deanne doing, I was shoveling the drive, and I thought about how she taught me to be a strong active healthy woman. Bentley was asking how to get rid or the water in his ear and I was taken back to the first time I put hydrogen proxide in my  ears and how I was so afraid, but Deanne assured us that it was fine. I think about her as I leave my children to be watched by someone else how often we were watched over by Deanne, with my mom knowing she would take care of us as her own.  So as I try to think of one thing, I have come  to the conclusion that I always felt "full" around Deanne. In different ways, first the obvious, Food, there was always good food at the Krieger home. And it's not like there was a lot of junk food, it was just good family healthy food. Of course there was the famous cookies with the kiss in the middle,  and that yummy fudge that always found there way to our house at Christmas, but on the other end I often lay out carrot sticks for my own kids to munch on before dinner just like Deanne would.  I know I was given many meals, (and garlic pills too) at 27 Payday Drive.
  Deanne filled her home with Love, and all who entered could feel that love. I know and I am sure a lot of the kids who were there felt like Deanne like them the most. It didn't matter who we were she made us feel special. She would sit and talk with me and I knew she cared about what I was saying. It became my second home many nights, and I loved being surround by that feeling of comfort.
   Deanne also filled my life with the Spirit of Christ. I don't think a Wednesday night passed when the big red surburban wouldn't be in my driveway waiting to take me to the young woman's activity. I listened to many lessons given on Sunday's and although I don't really remember what was taught I know I felt the spirit and my testimony was strengthen by her efforts.  At her funeral the spirit was so strong. Her life resembled that, she made you want to be a better person in all aspects of life. I came home and hugged my kids and promised to be a better mom. She taught me so many things through her loving example and positive spirit, and that has shaped the woman I am today. I love you Krieger Family!

Love Jenni

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