Sunday, February 13, 2011

The first time I met Deanne was when I was invited to go to her home in Ghana and check out a mini “bazaar” where Bernice was selling her bags and other products. I was so impressed –with the beautiful handiwork, but also with the fact that Deanne would just open up her home for this.  Then Bernice (a lovely lady herself) came out and I learned Deanne let her work there in the Krieger’s home to do all her sewing.  I knew right then Deanne was just an awesome human being.  I hoped I’d get to know her better, and, to my great blessing, I did.

One vivid memory is of her birthday party.  Some of the women had ordered a very large cake from the bakery for the occasion.  I forget now what the message was they had asked to be put onto the cake.  I just remember that they wanted something special for her birthday, and had explained how blessed she had been to still be there to celebrate that birthday.  When they opened the box, the cake proudly proclaimed “Thank God You’re Alive!”  Everyone got a good laugh, and Deanne laughed the loudest, that wonderful laugh that I will always remember.

In trips for beads, fabrics, and to see some fascinating places, I always loved to be where Deanne was. She had the most remarkable eyes, which always radiated a joy in life and a love for those around her.  I don’t believe I’ve ever seen eyes more beautiful than Deanne’s.  She was unfailingly kind, uncritical, concerned about others, and radiated a warmth in which one wanted to bask. 

When we returned to Utah, we moved from Salt Lake to Draper and I was delighted to find she lived just a short distance away.  Each Monday morning a group of sisters who had served in Ghana together continued the practice of meeting to study the Book of Mormon together.  When her health made this more difficult for her, we met in my home, and now are meeting in the home of another dear sister who is battling a disease which has left her wheel-chair bound, and unable to  get up my stairs.  Deanne has attended faithfully until just the past weeks when she was too ill.  I loved to hear her observations, as she never said anything unless she thought about it and knew it had real application.  When Deanne spoke, you knew it was important to listen.

I will miss her greatly.  My love for her grew constantly.  I am so grateful for my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the knowledge that she still lives, and loves, and cares for her family.  I am grateful she no longer has to suffer the terrible pain she has endured.  I am grateful to know that we, because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, will live again in the flesh, and be able to continue our friendship eternally.  As I think of the message of the birthday cake, I feel to exclaim “Thank God She is Alive.” 

Leslie R.

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